Sometimes when creating designs, they don’t always get made right away. Case in point: this HopFusion Ale Works t-shirt design.
I created this design a couple of years ago, and I have been dyyyyyyying to show you. When I met with them initially, there was no real direction, other than they wanted something different and cool. Since HopFusion’s whole bag is experimentation, I had the idea of a mad scientist, mixing fluids into the building. They were stoked on the idea, so I ran with it.
Through a few iterations, I landed on the final design you see here. For the front of the shirt, I wanted to tie the science theme in, so I had the thought to create an element from the Periodic Table. I love personalizing designs with easter eggs, and this design is no different. The Atomic number is the year they were founded (2015), and the Atomic mass is the zip code in which HopFusion is located.
Stay tuned for more partnerships with HopFusion, as we have more in the works!