Thanks so much to all of you who purchased apparel during Shop Small Saturday! We believe wholeheartedly in giving back, and because of your generosity, as well as matching funds from us, we were able to do just that.
As of this morning, we have donated $400 to The Chahta Foundation!
If you missed out on the sale Saturday, have no fear. We’re continuing our discount for the holiday season. Get a cool shirt of hoodie for a friend, family member or that person you have been crushing hard for. OR, if you don’t like the designs, get them for your enemies. We don’t judge. Plus, don’t forget to get yourself something nice. You deserve it.
One quick note: we’re a tiny, tiny operation. We greatly appreciate your patience as we get orders out. The cutoff for getting anything you order by or before Christmas is December 12. That’ll give us an opportunity to add a few little goodies in your package as well.
If you’re local and just want a drop-off, we can most likely arrange that beyond that December 12 deadline. Just give us a shout at if you need to work something out.
Thanks again for all the support you’ve shown for us here at Echo Seven Design Co. We love you all so much, you don’t even know! We know it has been a tough year for everyone, but we want to wish everyone a safe and wonderful holiday season. We hope to see you out and about once all this mess clears up!